Dear Mom,
I am doing very well. Last night I went to this concert in the Brigham Young Historic Park, starring this group called the Saltaires. It was a barbershop chorus, and it was pretty dang awesome!
So yeah, this is the second-to-last concert I will be going to. Yes, I just got your package last night. By the way, how are those shirts coming along? I don't mean to nag, mind you, but...yeah, it's been about a month since I sent those designs. It was one of the pictures (which, seriously, do you think you could send copies of those?). Now, wait a moment, Ms. OBrian...wasn't she the one I had for that course? (GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
I am calm, I am peacful, I am in my happy place
Sorry about all that, it's still a little bit of an open wound (as I'm sure you can imagine)
. Anyway, tell McKenzie to tell Brother Farley I said hi. My new apartment is pretty cool. Although, it's sad, I was in that old apartment for so long, by habit my feet take me back there from work. It took me a month or two to get comfortable out in the field. Anyway, I have been trying to further the lines on that PAF file Dad sent me out with. Oh, here's a HILARIOUS story that happened out here. You see, there is this elder out here by the name of Elder Dooley, who is almost religious about writing in his journal. Now there is also this other elder out here named Elder Miller, who uses the word "foodage" on a regular basis. One night, Elder Dooley came out of his room, pointed at Elder Miller, and said, "You. You did this." Elder Miller, at the time, was thinking, "I haven't done anything. I'm planning on doing a lot of stuff, sure, but I haven't done anything yet." And then, Elder Dooley continued, "I wrote foodage in my journal because of you."
Pretty hilarious, huh?
Well, I should get going. Lots to do.
Elder Huston, Sr
I love how he ends it with Senior