Dear Mom,
I thought that conference was great. As for that comment Pres. Uchtdorf made, I seriously wanted to stand up after the session and yell, "By a show of hands, how many people were doing that just as Pres. Uchtdorf said that?"
I know this is going to be a strange request, but do you think you could send me a sharpening stone? It's for this set of kitchen knives I was able to get my hands on; they are getting a little dull, and you know how dangerous a dull knife can be! As for a funny story... Oh, here's one! Well, there is this one elder out here (I believe I have told you about him, the crazy Russian? The guy who went out in the middle of a blizzard in shorts & a t-shirt?) by the name of Elder Shaw. Well, one day in his apartment the other elders in the apt. were talking about the military. Elder Shaw came in, heard what they were talking about, and said, "I hate the military. If I ever got the draft, I would run into Canada!" (By the way, did you know that doing so is a felony?) Well, two of the elders present (one of whom has some anger issues) who are big into the military chewed him out for a solid 45 minutes straight. Moron (no, I am not kidding; this is the guy who sniffs books to get high and is obsessed with a little boys choir).
Well, I better get going.
Elder Huston
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