Dear Mom,
The answers to your ?'s, in order, are: 1. Not much, I guess, aside from the fact that IT IS SNOWING UP HERE, RIGHT NOW! IN LATE MARCH! What is with this crazy place?! Isn't it supposed to be spring?! 2. Not yet. 3. Ditto. 4. Yes. Fortunately, I can buy some out here. 5. Just fine. 6. Funny you should ask, because I am running seriously low on socks. 7. Yes. 8. Greatly. 9. As a matter of fact, yes. We made this completely up ourselves (well, not completely; we started with a recipe my companion already knew, & added some stuff). We took some potatoes, mixed veggies, macaroni, Ragu sauce, and ground pork, mixed it all up in a big pot, and cooked it. We called it Jewish Pork (tee-hee!)
. As for a faith promoting story...Oh, yeah, here's one: Yesterday, we had a fireside given to us by our own President Simmons. Apparently, at one time, he was serving a senior mission in Africa, and he said that despite (or rather, because) the fact that they have nothing, they are some of the happiest, most patient people in the world. By the way, I am truly sorry that I did not email you on Saturday, but I am afraid that I was sick.
Anyway, I better get going.
Elder Huston
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