Friday, June 24, 2011

April 30th letter

Dear Mom,
Life out here is exactly that: cold, wet, and bipolar. The motto out here regarding weather goes like this: "Hey, it's stopped hailing." "Wait five minutes, it will start up again." No, I have not tried out the phone yet. The work is going fine. Yes, I am still in the same district. As for how long a person stays apartment leader...It kind of varies. I really do not know how long you stay one. I don't have any real power, actually. The position is primarily coordinative, rather than administrative. My primary duties as apt. lead are: 1. Coordinate cleaning duties, as needed. 2. Hold apartment councils, again, as needed. And 3. Report to the District Leader apartment-wide concerns. I really don't know if I like it yet. You see, I was only made official yesterday. Tell Emily (and everyone else, too) that I love & miss them too.
Well, I had best get going.
Elder Huston

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