Friday, June 24, 2011

june 17th letter

Dear Dad,
I am doing very well up here. This week has been awesome, due to 2 things that happened: 1. This young elder out here, Elder Thomas (I think I have mentioned him in one of my emails) out of the blue asked me, "What shoe size are you?" I told him, and he said, "That fits perfectly with my plans." Needless to say, I was both confused and scared. But then he expained that he had this pair of shoes that have been in his family for a while, and they wouldn't fit anybody. So he asked if I wanted them. Of course, I said yes; besides, they will do until I get a new pair of insoles for my other ones (I've worn holes into the old ones). And 2. I went to this concert in the Brigham Young Memorial Park; the people playing was called Mercy River. It was awesome.
Well, I had better get going.
Elder Huston

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